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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's Summer!

Summer!! YES!! I have been itching to get back to crafting after not making anything since the very beginning of March. I did stamp some treat bags for my kids for their end of the year party, but as there was no coloring, cutting, pasting, that didn't really count!

My teammates on The Outlawz have been great in my absence; no one has grumbled-at least not to me-about my lack of projects or comments. They don't even know how thankful I am for that. I kept up my other duties there (monthly prizes, setting up Inlinkz, etc.), but I let crafting go. You folks who work, have kids, and craft are some really awesome folks! I don't have the time management skills for that! Maybe had they diagnosed my ADD when I was young someone could have helped me with some strategies...

Anyway, my project is for this week's Sketch Challenge at The Outlawz. As usual, I'm pushing the sketch!


My project:
Why does this look fuzzy?? GRR! Anyway, that's super adorable Content Ollie from Some Odd Girl!

I have three TGF stamps colored and papers picked so I should be back with some more cards soon. Thanks again for praying for my mom! Her name is Barbara, and we appreciate your prayers more than you know!  :D

**Challenges: 613 Avenue Create - Anything Goes, Paper Makeup Stamps - Anything Goes (with a digi), Forever Friends - For a Child


  1. Super cute image, Trina. I love the papers you chose. You did a great job with the sketch; I think the star borders are a great touch.

  2. I so love this card Trina!!
    And I'm happy to see you crafting again :-)
    Still keeping you and your mom in my thoughts!!
    Big cyberhugs,Sandra

  3. Cute card, great coloring job as usual; glad you are able to craft again!

  4. this is so stinkin cute! your coloring is phenomenal. :) you should enter this in the fluffy, puffy, stuffy challenge at lia stampz since your monkey is fluffy. :)

  5. Gorgeous card Trina, love the cute image and fab design.

    Donna x

  6. Your card is adorable, Trina! Love the papers and the cute image! Great design! Don't be so hard on yourself! We all have stuff we need to deal with in real life. Just happy to see you crafting again! Sending hugs and prayers for you and your Mom.

  7. Love the card Trina. Glad to see you back and doesn't look fuzzy to me.

  8. Trina your card is super cute! Great take on the sketch!

  9. I love your take on the sketch hun, your card doesn't look fuzzy at all, or maybe you fixed it since then ;) lol it's fantabulous, and although we missed you and your creations lately, we would never complain about real life getting in the way, we know you'd do the same for us :) you had other duties that only you could do....we totally understand that hun.
    Praying for your mom and you and grandma tooo, have to encompass you all my dear :) big inky hugs, so glad you had some time to create and play along!! :)

  10. Adorable. Such a cute image and so beautiful coloured. Great design and colourcombo.
    Thank you for joining us at 613 Avenue Create


  11. Yayyyyyyyyyyyy for summer! You know I can relate. Let's get to crafting! This is just the cutest image and your coloring is phenomenal.

  12. Hey girl - so happy to "see" you around!!! You have been greatly missed but I do know how life gets in the way sometimes!! Still praying for your Mom and hope to see you and your creations soon!!
    Ps - this is too adorable for words! Love the way you colored up that cutie and the stars and papers are adorable to match!! Great job as always!!

  13. Trina, this image is too darn cute and I can't think of a better presentation for it than the one you have given us. Wonderful papers, great step card, and perfect coloring! Thanks for stopping by our house at 613 Avenue Create. We look forward to your next visit to the neighborhood.
    Chana, Owner


Thanks for your time & the love! ;D

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