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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Thank You!

This card is for this week's sketch challenge on The Outlawz, BUT it's also for all of you who have been nice enough to pray for, text, call, private message, G+, email, snail mail, or smoke signal me at any time since last February when I found out that my mother had cancer all the way through these last few weeks following her death. I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate you all!

Monday, April 7, 2014

I'll ALWAYS Love My Mama!

Do you know that song? If not, head over to Youtube for a blast from the past... My mom wouldn't let me call her "mama", but she's definitely my favorite girl - now and forever more! :D

Barbara Willis, March 1954 - March 2014

I miss her, but I'm doing okay. Just needed to let you know where I've been this time. So...instead of telling me you're sorry for my loss, tell me a joke or something about your day or what you're busy creating or anything else. XOXO to you all!!
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