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Monday, July 11, 2011

How Sweet!

Look at this awesome set of goodies I got from Candy for being one of the winners of her 100 followers candy! She loaded the box with all kinds of supplies - stamps, stickers, flowers, brads, and even a really cool die cut mini album! Candy, thank you so much!! And not just for the candy either...

When I first started making cards last year, Candy was one of the people who always had an encouraging word for me. (Theresa G and the two Lisas, too.) I've been really blessed in finding very sweet, supportive crafting buddies during the last year. My birthday and blogaversary are coming up soon, so y'all stick around, ya hear? :D


  1. Congrats in winning girl, enjoy!!!
    I think i am the one that is so blessed in having you as a blogging friend, those were such good days, still am, memories are the lotion for any sore, thanks for being there...........LUG

  2. Congrats in winning!!! We are blessed to have you in our lives and very thankful you are! Hugz, Colleen

  3. Congratulations!....that haul should keep ya busy for a while....Ha! Enjoy!

  4. Congrats on your win! Some fantastic stuff there.

  5. Congrats on all that candy! It's fun to look at it and think of all the possibilities! I can't wait to see what you create with it :)

  6. Congrats on your goodies!! They look like fun items to play with!! Looking forward to seeing what you create!


Thanks for your time & the love! ;D

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