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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Here We Go!

Thank you all so much for helping me celebrate my birthday and blogaversary! While I probably have enough supplies to give everyone a little something, I let pick 3 winners. They are...

Yay! Lori happens to be a great follower; she comments on just about every post! I didn't even realize she was the who she is because the emails are always from her blog title, "Reflections from Granny"!

Yay! Teresa is a sweetie pie who plays at The Outlawz!

Yay! If you've never been to E.T.'s blog, you must now! Her cards are always fab. I expect to see something I send you on a card, E.T., since I'll probably end up paying a tank of gas to mail you some goodies! :D

Ladies, please send me your complete mailing addresses so I can get your goodies out to you this week.  Packages sent!

**Sorry Gina!**


  1. LOL, it's all good, Trina. One of these days, you may get to see my scrap space. I have a whole own mini store! I am happy to let someone else win, even if you can't tell because I'm sulking in a corner!!! LOL. Seriously, congrats, winners!!! YAY!

  2. Congrats ladies!!! Happy Crafting! xx

  3. Yay! I won! Congrats to Lori (couldn't happen to a nicer blogger) and E.T.

    Thanks for calling me a "sweetie pie", Trina. I think you are pretty sweet for giving away all of this candy.


    PS - I have a digital giveaway on my blog.

  4. Oh! I just realized that you have gone WAY over the 200 mark with your followers, Trina. Congratulations! I hope you are feeling the love.

  5. OMG, thank you, thank you Trina, you're the "Best", and Congrats to everyone!

    I'm beyond excited and yup tis me I'm the who, in the granny. I've been organizing my craft room and adding labels so this time I know where something is when I put it away.

    You've made my Monday really happy.

    Hugs, Lori m who will email you my info from my email addie.<--- tis me too the Outlawz Lori m.

  6. Hi Trina. I thought you might like to know that I mentioned you in my blog post today and linked back here. You can read the post at

  7. congrats to the winner!

    Hey, I have a giveaway here, please come join in the fun!

  8. Just stopping by to say hello, hope life is well by Trina, hugs, Lori m

  9. COuldnt post a comment earlier! This comment box wouldnt show :/ Thank you very much! I WILL def use the stuff you send my way! lol
    I have already sent you an email!
    thanks again and congrats winners!


Thanks for your time & the love! ;D

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