My lovely Aunt Hope has recently become my most faithful blog reader. A few days ago, she, uh,
requested that I put up some new posts. Well, since I LOVE!!!! her so much, this one's for her...
Last summer I thought I wanted to jump into the whole art journal craze. It took from then until March for me to actually get past putting much other than gesso on a page, though.
The light from the window is really brightening this picture... |
So, I had been upstairs flipping through a prayer journal that someone gave my mother and saw this scripture. It was talking to me that day! I stayed up late into the night painting; I thought I was going to get fussed at by my mom since she was sleeping and I was making a ton of noise coming up and down the steps with supplies, but she slept right on through it. (If you knew my mom, you'd know she could sleep!)
I won't bore you with the details, but please believe all sorts of stuff is on these two pages...