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Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Class and a GIVEAWAY!!!

Have you ever been insanely excited about something but so tired that you can't accurately show that excitement?? That's me right now. I think I can...I think I can... I'm beyond thrilled and honored to have been invited to teach a class - my first class - in a mixed media workshop! If you stopped by the other day, you know that I have been blessed to be in the company of some amazingly talented women in the My Color is Beautiful Art 2015 workshop.

This is an early face; I have more tips and tricks now!

If you are a regular here, you know when it comes to mixed media I'm a huge fan of a big face! You also know that I'm a bit of a supply hoarder... In my defense, most of you are too! :D  If, like me, you started your mixed media journey with multiple trips online and in person to your favorite crafty stores to pick up all of the awesome things that you saw your favorites using, my lesson will allow you to dust off and use some of those must-have supplies to make your own big faces full of depth and color.

If you're interested in trying to win a spot in the workshop, please enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below. I promise I'm not asking you to do anything crazy! You can also get an additional shot at winning a spot by visiting the blog hop on Tiare's blog.

The winner will be announced November 11, the same day that registration for the workshop begins. Good luck!! Make sure you check out the other artists on the blog hop for more information about their classes and extra opportunities to win a spot in the My Color is Beautiful Art 2015 workshop!


  1. So glad you are participating and yes, would love to open those unopened bottles and new markers!

  2. Looking forward to learning from you and using up some of my supplies.

  3. Wow, another great teacher for this clas!! :) I have a lot of 'crafting stuff' (i used to make cards, little Jewels, crochet,...) and I'm looking forward to use all my stuff in another creative way! Earlier this year I started painting and drawing... so fun and so relaxing! I can use good advice, new inspiration and new techniques! Dream, dream, dream.... and fingers crossed! Smiles from Belgium, Saskia :)

  4. YES !!! this is exactly what the doctor ordered, i’d luv to be apart of this journey ‘my color is beautiful art’ !! as i leave this comment… i’m also going through my own personal journey – BC with 3 more treatments of chemo left to endure… then i’ll be ready to rock and roll with the amazing lineup of ladies - instructors YAY !! hugs

    1. Just finished Chemotherapy and on the radiation road. Doing well. Back at work and spirits lifted daily. Keep strong and keep fighting. Chemo is tough but you are tougher. Many blessings. Trina's aunt Hope

  5. you are totally speaking my language!! can't wait to learn more from you! I am constantly trying new faces.. trying to discover my own style.. The only things I know about it now are.. I LOVE COLOR.. & I like it BIG!! Great to meet you! (via post) lol

  6. I love your art and this looks like such a fun workshop! Thanks for the chance to win!

  7. Congrats on the workshop, look forward to seeing all the new techniques and styles!

  8. You know how to make so much stuff! I LUV all of it!

  9. Now this is exactly what I need! My drawing skills are minimal (particularly when it comes to faces) and I have enough stash to last the next twenty years!
    Looking forward to your workshop.

  10. Am so happy to see this, I really need to expand"techniques" since I am not a stamper nite a card maker but I could be!

  11. I want to be a part of this to meet new and interesting teachers. Thanks for the chance!!?

  12. Can't wait till this series of great classes begin... Do we really have to wait till February 2015? Drat.

  13. Ohhhh girl! the big face excites me too lol

  14. Oh wow congrats Trina!! I would love to join you all. I would love to learn how to draw face and be creative with mixed media. I've tried and would love to know a lot more. Still a newbie

  15. I would love to be a part of this. Celebrating "My Color is Beautiful"

  16. Yes I like color & YES I'd love to win a seat, thank you


  17. I want to be a part of this learning experience and I'm excited to see such beautiful, colorful characters!


Thanks for your time & the love! ;D

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