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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I never win anything...

If you're like me, you see blog candy and never believe you'll win. You enter, but you really don't think anything will come of it... Well, I can personally assure you that it is possible to get goodies from some of these nice people in blogland! Just this month I've won:
Thanks again to everyone who shares their work, time, and goodies with the rest of us! Now, if you're looking for someplace where you might win, check out:
There are also some giveaways in the sidebar. Good luck!!


  1. You are one of the sweetest people i know, love you to bits!!!
    Congrats on winning all the goodies!!!
    WOW, all i see is COPIC"s............... LOL

  2. Thanks for the shout out Trina! Congratulations on all your winnings! I am going to hang out with you more often, maybe your good fortune will rub off on me. :-)

  3. Wow, that is awesome girl... You are on a winning streak for real! LOL

  4. Thanks for the great info Trina...and cograts on all of your wins...that's fantastic! And thank you so much for coming and seeing me on my blog and for the kind comments that you made...that Parrot flower is really unique isn't it? Hope you're having a wonderful time on your weekend away. ~ Charlene


Thanks for your time & the love! ;D

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